Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's been awhile since my last post!  Blake Dane Wheeler was born on Dec. 28th 2011 at 6:32pm.  He weighed in at 6 lbs 14oz and was 19 1/2 in long.  I had a very fast recovery and was released from the hospital a day earlier than expected.  I love my little man, cant believe he will be 5 mos in just a few days.  Time is flying by!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hello Again!

It's been forever since I have posted on my blog.  Life has a way of getting in the way.  Well, I am currently 5 1/2 months pregnant with baby #4.  We found out a few weeks ago, it's another boy!!! I am so very excited.  I have alot of clothes left from Garrett, which will help ALOT!  We are looking for a mini van, I never thought I would actually drive a van but living in the city.....we have alot of road time traveling from here to there.  It will save on gas.  Every little bit helps right?

Madison and Alyssa start school next Tuesday!  I cant believe the summer is already gone.  By the way those 2 bicker at each other, I am convinced they are more ready to start than I am.  Every year, on the first day of school, I cant help but cry! Pregnant or not.  They grow up so fast.  I doubt this year will be any different.  I will be a slobbering mess.  Oh well, it will give Garrett a reason to ask me 122 times before we get home if I am ok. 

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I love to scrapbook.  Well, I love the thought of scrapbooking.  I wish I had a space of my own, other than the kitchen table to work on little creative pages to put into my kids scrapbooks.  Fact is, I have a scrapbook for each of them........but the pages are still empty.  I dont want to forget all the little tidbits of my kids lives.  I have decided to write my kids letters from time to time.  My intent is to print them off later..(ha!) At least I will keeping the moments logged.  So here is the first one:

Dear Garrett,
You are growing up so fast!  I love the way you try to say grown up words like "supa maro's" for super mario brothers.  You potty trained yourself pretty much.  Mama wasnt really trying to hard, the occasional trip to the bathroom turned into a constant reminder of "poo a talit". Of course if I didnt pay attention right away I would get a swift smack to the arm and you would reach your tiny little hand to my face and turn my head, so our eyes met.  In the most serious voice you could summon, "I nee poo a talit".  After one week, you officially had unnies.  "Vroom unnies", which you proudly stick your hinney in the air and point to the Lightening  McQueen figure on your backside.  You are indeed a blessing to me.  Today you learned how to tell secrets in my ear, they dont make much sense but I am sure eventually they will.  It makes me smile anyway.

Dont grow up to quick, Son.  Slow down for your me.
With love,

Friday, February 11, 2011

To be old......

I dont normally cry on my birthday.  I actually love it.  But today I am feeling a little old, Madison asked me "what was it like when you were born, like in the olden days" I said: "I dont know, what do you mean"....."like with wagons and stuff mom" Shoot me now, I'm turning 34 next month. Thank God someone invented the automobile in the last few years.....
Not much has been going on in our neck of the woods lately.  We've had rounds of the flu and Garrett got his first ear infection.  Glad to be over that.  The house is so quiet right now, I need to wake the girls for school but I am savoring the last moments of "nothingness" before my day begins.  Hopefully in the next few weeks, we will be getting our tickets to Oklahoma for summer break.  Pray we find them at a low price.....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Naked Boy

So Garrett has almost gotten the potty training down.  I am so proud of him.  It took a week of mini candy canes for the # 2's (read between the lines) and we are doing great!  However, I cannot keep clothes or unnies, as he calls them, on him!  He stripes his clothes off anytime he has to go potty.  Hmmm, I wonder when that will change. 

We survived Flu week, only now Brian has it.  Poor guy, he's still going to work and school.  I am so glad I married an alpha male.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's flu season

Sorry it's been a few days since I updated!  Garrett started out with the bug, then I got it, and now Alyssa.  Not fun at all but we are getting through it.  Garrett is following in his daddy's footsteps and prays for everything.  Sick or not LOL.  That is a blessing to me.  More later....